Access the power of SAS from a point-and-click Windows interface

Empower users to be self-sufficient with guided access to the analytical power of SAS.

Screenshot of SAS Enterprise Guide python graph

Integrate with SAS Viya.

Continue using SAS Enterprise Guide combined with SAS Viya's modern capabilities and architecture. Run your SAS programs on SAS Viya without having to recode, and reap the benefits of a modern, cloud-based platform to create new projects and gain cloud computing efficiencies. Take full advantage of the scalability and state-of the art analytics in SAS Viya.

Screenshot of SAS Enterprise Guide bar chart task

Provide a self-service analytics environment that liberates IT.

SAS Enterprise Guide integrates an extensive array of analytics with the power of SAS software in an efficient, user-friendly graphical user interface application. Business analysts can produce their own analyses and distribute reports, freeing IT to focus on other strategic projects.

Screenshot of SAS Enterprise Guide query tool

Enable easy – yet secure – access to enterprise data sources for different users.

Our solution guides users so they can quickly access data for analysis, schedule projects, share results and easily embed output for repeated use – including access to advanced analytics and other SAS capabilities. A centralized, IT-managed role-based security system ensures that users have appropriate corporate data access privileges, which empowers them to react quickly to evolving business conditions.

Screenshot of SAS <a href=Enterprise Guide syntax help" />

Distribute interactive content to Microsoft Office and web users.

The ability to develop and deploy customized tasks lets users extend core functionality to create easily distributed custom wizards. Easily deliver information and publish dynamic, interactive content to Microsoft Office and web users.