Child Care - ABC Special Needs Voucher Overview - South Carolina

The Advocates for Better Child Care (ABC) Special Needs Voucher program provides financial assistance to low income families who need day care for developmentally delayed children up to age 19.

Funds may be available for families whose children are under 19 years old and meet income eligibility guidelines. Parents must be working, disabled or attending an educational or training program in order to be eligible for assistance. Parents make a weekly co-payment as a condition of program participation.

Children must meet Department of Disabilities and Special Needs (DDSN) diagnostic standards for program eligibility. If a child meets the eligibility criteria but is not DDSN eligible, services may still be available. If a child is receiving services through their school district, their parents must apply for a voucher through the county Disabilities and Special Needs Board. A copy of the child�s most recent Individualized Education Plan (IEP) must be provided with the ABC application to verify the developmental delay(s) and services currently received.

Applicants whose children do not meet the special needs eligibility criteria are referred to the ABC Child Care Program, offered through the Department of Health and Human Services, at 1-800-476-0199.

Additional Information

The South Carolina State Plan For Child Care & Development Fund Services For The Period 10/1/03 � 9/30/05 is available online in PDF format (requires Adobe Acrobat) at:

The Advocates For Better Care ABC Child Care Program homepage is located online at:

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