Chairman Thompson, Ways and Means Democrats Introduce GREEN Act

Comprehensive legislation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions using the tax code

Washington – Today, Chairman of the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures Mike Thompson (CA-05) and the entire Democratic membership of the Committee announced the introduction of the Growing Renewable Energy and Efficiency Now (GREEN) Act. This bill, first introduced in June 2020, is a comprehensive use of the tax code to combat the threat of climate change. The legislation would boldly expand the use of renewable energy to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

"Climate change is the most pressing issue of our time and we must act boldly to address this existential threat. That's why I am proud to again introduce the GREEN Act, a sweeping bill that will use our tax code to help tackle climate change," said Chairman Thompson. "This bill expands the use of renewable energy through Federal tax incentives that will promote clean energy technologies and faster deploy zero-emissions vehicles. These incentives will, in turn, shift our energy use and lessen our carbon footprint, dramatically reducing greenhouse gas emissions. I am proud to again have the support of Chairman Neal and all the Democrats on the Ways and Means Committee as we take this bold step forward in confronting climate change and passing on a better planet to the next generation. Know I will work closely with our committee members and our stakeholders to further strengthen the GREEN Act so that we can create the emissions savings and the family-sustaining jobs that our nation needs."

"I'm proud once again to be an original co-sponsor of Subcommittee Chair Thompson's GREEN Act, and am glad that all Ways and Means Democrats have added their support to the bill as well," said House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard E. Neal (D-MA). "Rep. Thompson has been a consistent leader in the promotion of green initiatives, and I commend his re-introduction of this vital piece of legislation. Investing in renewable energy technologies and creating programs to reduce our carbon footprint will help us add good, green jobs to the American workforce as we combat the climate crisis and dig our economy out of the COVID-19 downturn. I remain committed to working with all stakeholders—labor and environmental groups—to help us meet both our climate goals and our vision of creating good-paying jobs. And I will work to ensure that the GREEN Act is included in a broader infrastructure package, just as it was part of last year's House-passed Moving Forward Act. Workers must be at the center of a transition to a green economy, and this bill will help our country better prepare for the needs of the future."

The GREEN Act was introduced with original cosponsors, including Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal (MA-01) and members of the committee, including Representatives Lloyd Doggett (TX-35), John Larson (CT-01), Earl Blumenauer (OR-03), Ron Kind (WI-03), Bill Pascrell Jr. (NJ-09), Danny Davis (IL-07), Linda T. Sanchez (CA-38), Brian Higgins (NY-26), Terri Sewell (AL-07), Suzan DelBene (WA-01) , Judy Chu (CA-27), Gwen Moore (WI-04), Dan Kildee (MI-05), Brendan Boyle (PA-02), Don Beyer (VA-08), Dwight Evans (PA-03), Brad Schneider (IL-10), Tom Suozzi (NY-03), Jimmy Panetta (CA-20), Stephanie Murphy (FL-07) , Jimmy Gomez (CA-34), Steven Horsford (NV-04), and Stacey Plaskett (VI-All).

To read full text of the GREEN Act, you can click here. You can also click here for a section by section, and here for a summary. The GREEN Act:

In addition, the following organizations also support the bill: Alliance to Save Energy, American Biogas Council, American Clean Power Association, American Council on Renewable Energy, American Public Power Association, Biomass Power Association, Citizens' Climate Lobby, Coalition for Energy Efficient Jobs & Investment, Electric Drive Transportation Association, Energy Storage Association, Environmental Defense Fund, EV Drive Coalition, Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Association, League of American Bicyclists, League of Conservation Voters, National Wildlife Federation, Natural Resources Defense Council, Plug-In America, Solar Energy Industries Association, Union of Concerned Scientists, and the US Green Building Council.

Congressman Mike Thompson is proud to represent California's 5 th Congressional District, which includes all or part of Contra Costa, Lake, Napa, Solano and Sonoma Counties. He is a senior member of the House Committee on Ways and Means where he chairs the Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures. Rep. Thompson is Chairman of the House Gun Violence Prevention Task Force. He is also Co-Chair of the bipartisan, bicameral Congressional Wine Caucus and a member of the fiscally-conservative Blue Dog Coalition.