Customize & Print
Customize & Print
Customize & Print
Customize & Print
Customize & Print
You can add a photo to the award template before you print. The photo can be of one cheerleader or the entire team. To add the photo, click on the image icon. Select the photo that you want to use, and it will appear on your certificate.
There is space to type a signature in a handwritten font. If you want to sign each certificate, then you can delete the text box with the signature. Do this by clicking on the text box. You can then fill in the signature after you print.
You can make funny cheer awards or cheerleading superlatives by using our superlative awards.
Since the text can be edited (including the title), you can use these templates to create cheerleading certification certificates.
Use these free printable cheerleading certificates to recognize the individual squad members and reward them for effort or achievement. You can customize the text on each cheerleading certificate, including the title. You can, therefore, make any changes you want. For example, you can write “Certificate of Achievement,” “Best Cheerleader,” etc. If you are looking for more cheerleading award ideas, see the list below. The cheer awards can also be used for coaches to let them know that their efforts are appreciated. You can also customize a generic certificate template for cheerleading.