UK Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP)
This page provides resources for certified commercial / non-commercial and private pesticide applicators in the Commonwealth. Much of the information has been prepared or adapted by extension specialists in the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture Departments of Entomology, Plant Pathology, and Weed Science. It covers a variety of pests including insects, diseases, and weeds affecting field crops, greenhouse, fruits and vegetables, lawn and turf, shade trees and ornamentals, structural & household, forests, rights-of-ways, and other situations.
The Pesticide Safety Education Program in Kentucky is a joint effort between:
- University of Kentucky College of Agriculture Food and Environment Department of Entomology
UK Entomology provides training packets and developes educational programs.
S-225 Ag Science Building, North
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40546-0091
(859) 257-7450
- Kentucky Department of Agriculture (KDA)Division of Environmental Services
KDA Division of Environmental Services oversees pesticide regulation for the state of Kentucky. They provide compliance assistance, manage private and commercial pesticide certifications for businesses and individuals, and enforcement pesticide laws.
107 Corporate Drive
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 573-0282
Toll Free (866) 289-0001
PSEP Advisory Committee: Goals and Members (PDF)
Certification Information, Testing, & Approved Continuing Education Meetings
- Approved Structural and Public Health (Catgories 7/8) Meetings
- Approved Continuing Education Meetings EXCEPT Categories 7/8
- Check Your CEU Credits
Private Applicators
Private Applicator means a person certfied to use Restricted Use pesticides for purposes of producing any agricultural commodity on property owned or rented by him(her) or an employer, or to the lands of a farmer-neighbor, if applied without compensation other than trading or personal services between producers of agricultural commodities.
Minimum standards for Certified Private Applicators
- A practical knowlegde of common pests to be controlled and the damage caused by them.
- Read and understand the label and labelling information including common name of the pesticide applied, pests to be controlled, timing and methods of application, safety precautions, any pre-harvest or re-entry restrictions and any specific disposal procedures.
- Apply pesticides in accordance with the label instructions and warnings, be able to prepare proper concentrations and calibrate application equipment.
- Recognize local environmental situations that must be considered during application to avoid contamination.
- Be able to recognize poisoning symptoms and procedures to follow in case of a pesticide accident.
The Cooperative Extension Service is responsible for the training of private pesticide applicators in each of Kentucky's 120 counties. Contact your local extension office for more information.
Info for Certified Private Applicators
- Certified Private Applicator Lists by County
- Information for County Offices (PATIM, supplies, etc.)
- Private Applicator Training Videos
- Recordkeeping Manual for Private Pesticide Applicators 2019 (PDF)