ACT On-Campus

We offer the ACT On-Campus (formerly, the ACT Residual) year-round as a pencil & paper exam. Please note that the ACT is no longer required for admission to public colleges and universities in Montana.

The Basics:

Questions? Email or call us at (406) 994-6984

Testing Services
Montana State University
P.O. Box 172960
Bozeman, MT 59717-2960

Office: 19 Renne Library
Tel: 406-994-6984
[email protected]

Assistant Director
Brenda Allen

Test Center Coordinator
Teddy Bostley

Exam Scoring Coordinator
Silvia Harrington

Exam Administrators
Christopher Ashland
Stephen Teintze

Student Assistants
Lex Baldridge
Buggy Garza
Maya Hanlon