Pay your application fee by mail or by visiting our office. Online payment is coming soon.
Before you pay your permit, you must know what t ype of p ermit you are applying for. You can contact BCDC staff if you aren’t sure what type of permit your project requires.
Application fee: $200
Application fee: $200
The application fee is calculated based on the “total project cost.” Total project cost means all expenditures, including the cost for planning, engineering, architectural, and other services, made or to be made for designing the project plus the estimated cost of construction of all aspects of the project both inside and outside the Commission’s jurisdiction.
Total project cost of:
For a project for which all or a portion of the total project cost would be paid with a grant from the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority from Bay Area Regional Measure AA (2016) funds, the amount of such grant is subtracted from the total project cost and the difference is used in determining the permit application fee.
The application fee is calculated based on the “total project cost.” Total project cost means all expenditures, including the cost for planning, engineering, architectural, and other services, made or to be made for designing the project plus the estimated cost of construction of all aspects of the project both inside and outside the Commission’s jurisdiction.
Total project cost of:
For a project for which all or a portion of the total project cost would be paid with a grant from the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority from Bay Area Regional Measure AA (2016) funds, the amount of such grant is subtracted from the total project cost and the difference is used in determining the permit application fee.
The application fee for an emergency permit is the same cost as for non-emergency permits. See fees for administrative or major permit applications, depending on the nature of project.
Application fee: $300
The application fee is calculated based on the “total project cost.” Total project cost means all expenditures, including the cost for planning, engineering, architectural, and other services, made or to be made for designing the project plus the estimated cost of construction of all aspects of the project both inside and outside the Commission’s jurisdiction. The total project cost for an amendment to a permit shall consist of only the total project cost of the subject matter of the amendment application.
Total project cost of subject matter of:
The application fee is calculated based on the “total project cost.” Total project cost means all expenditures, including the cost for planning, engineering, architectural, and other services, made or to be made for designing the project plus the estimated cost of construction of all aspects of the project both inside and outside the Commission’s jurisdiction. The total project cost for an amendment to a permit shall consist of only the total project cost of the subject matter of the amendment application.
Total project cost of subject matter of:
The application fee is calculated based on the “total project cost.” Total project cost means all expenditures, including the cost for planning, engineering, architectural, and other services, made or to be made for designing the project plus the estimated cost of construction of all aspects of the project both inside and outside the Commission’s jurisdiction. The total project cost for an amendment to a permit shall consist of only the total project cost of the subject matter of the amendment application.
Total project cost of subject matter of:
For a project for which all or a portion of the total project cost would be paid with a grant from the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority from Bay Area Regional Measure AA (2016) funds, the amount of such grant is subtracted from the total project cost and the difference is used in determining the permit application fee.
All relevant permit application fees are doubled if an application is submitted in response to an enforcement investigation or enforcement action for violations of the McAteer-Petris Act, the Suisun Marsh Preservation Act, or the terms or conditions of a BCDC permit.
Submit your permit application fee by check or money order, which should be sent to:
San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission
375 Beale Street, Suite 510
San Francisco, CA 94105
Make the check or money order payable to “San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission.” Include a cover letter that indicates the BCDC permit application number (if you have been provided with one) and the street address of the project location.
Please make arrangements with your staff contact at BCDC to deliver the check to our office in person. Delivery by mail is preferred.