Amendments to the Constitution

11-27 Amendments to the Constitution for Kids: 11-27
George Washington was the first President of the United States and served in office from April 30, 1789 to March 4, 1797. The Constitution was adopted during his lifetime and Amendments to the Constitution have continued to be added to improve the government of the United States and the lives and well being of American citizens

11-27 Amendments to the Constitution for Kids
This section contains details of the 11-27 Amendments to the US Constitution. Amendments 1-10 are covered in the 'Bill of Rights' . An article is provided for each of the 11 - 27 amendments to the Constitution which contains a simplified summary of the amendments, the original text of the Amendments, the cause or reason for their addition to the United States Constitution and a line by line explanation of each of the 11 - 27 amendments together with a simplified meaning and short summary.

Amendments to the Constitution fo r Kids: The Bill of Rights (Amendments 1 - 10)
The first 10 amendments, referred to as the Bill of Rights, may be accessed from the following section:

Amendments to the Constitution fo r Kids: Constitutional Amendments 11 - 27
The links provide access to interesting, detailed articles that explain the meanings of the 11 - 27 amendments together with a short, simplified summary of what they actually mean. The simplified summaries of amendments 11 - 27 provide easy, simple information for kids, schools and homework projects.

Amendments fo r Kids: 11-27 Amendments to the Constitution
The links provide access to interesting, simplified articles that provide the text and content of each of the 11 - 27 amendments together with a short, simplified summary of what the amendments to the Constitution really mean.