Credit Card Fraud Detection: A Systematic Review

Due to the tremendous growth of technology, digitalization has become the key aspect in the banking sector. As online transaction increases, the fraud rate grows simultaneously. Even though many techniques are available to identify the fraudulent transaction, the fraudsters adapt their own paradigm. This review intends to present the research studies accomplished on Credit Card Fraud Detection (CCFD) by highlighting the challenge of class imbalance and the various Machine Learning techniques, it also extends the efficient evaluation metrics particularly for CCFD. As the dataset is more sensitive and less available we have outlined the web sources of available datasets and trending software tools used in the deployment of CCFD.

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Authors and Affiliations

  1. Department of Computer Science, SDNB Vaishnav College for Women, University of Madras, Chennai, India C. Victoria Priscilla
  2. Department of Computer Applications, Madras Christian College, University of Madras, Chennai, India D. Padma Prabha
  1. C. Victoria Priscilla