Body Art Events
Frequently Asked Questions
Note: A Temporary Body Art Booth Permit will not be issued until the event organizer has been approved.
What are the fees for a Body Art Event?
How long is the temporary body art permit valid?
Who is required to register as a practitioner in Los Angeles County?
Who provides the Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Training?
How do I submit the required documents and fees?
What are the requirements for a body art booth?
- Booths must be located within a building.
- Have smooth and easily cleanable flooring.
- Constructed with a partition of at least three feet in height, separating the procedure area from the public.
- Equipped with adequate lighting.
- Single booth - a 5 gallon container of potable water accessible via spigot with liquid soap dispenser, single-use paper towels, and a wastewater collection/holding tank.
- Two or more booths - the organizer provides commercial grade, self-contained portable hand wash sinks with liquid soap dispensers and single-use paper towels throughout the event. Up to two (2) adjacent booths may share a centrally located hand washing station.
- Be free of insects or rodents.
- Only one (1) practitioner is allowed for every 50 square feet of floor space.
- Each booth must be at least 50 square feet and be used exclusively for performing body art.
- No food, drink, or tobacco products are permitted in the booth.
- No animals are allowed within the confines of the booth.
- Practitioners must use pre-sterilized disposable equipment, unless the organizer provides a decontamination/sterilization area equipped with an ultrasonic cleaner and medical grade autoclave.
For more information, visit our Body Art page.
Last Updated: February 2024