How to digitally sign a document on any device

Follow these easy steps to add your signature online without ever picking up a pen

by Kurt Knutsson July 23, 2024 by Kurt Knutsson July 23, 2024

5.7K Did you know your electronic signature is as binding as a handwritten signature for a majority of documents in every U.S. state? Instead of turning toward a fax machine or snail mail to put your John or Jane Hancock on the dotted line, do this instead. Want to sign yours from an iPhone digitally? Mac? PC? Android? I t’s now very simple to use your computer or phone to send someone your signature without having to use a pen, printer, or that pesky USPS.

Follow these steps to sign any document using your digital device of choice. Table of Contents:

How to add your signature to a PDF or document using a Mac

Every Mac computer comes with the program Preview which is a great and free tool to view your photos. You can also crop and rotate pictures using Preview. Additionally, you can annotate your document and easily add a signature right on your Apple laptop or desktop computer.


Using your Trackpad:

If you select using your trackpad, you’ll use your trackpad or mouse to digitally create your signature. When you’re ready to make your signature:

Using your Camera

This is my favorite option. While you do have to pull out a piece of paper and a pen and sign your name the old-fashioned way, you’ll have an accurate digital version of your signature to use whenever you need it.

Using your iPhone

This is the easiest option if you have both a Mac and an iPhone.

How to add your signature to a PDF or document using an iPhone

Similar to Mac computers, your iPhone comes with built-in applications. Many of these apps come with a Markup Tool that allows you to create a digital signature that you can reuse.

The Markup Tool itself will work the same way, but you’ll access it slightly differently depending on how you receive the document you need to sign.

Signature on iphone

If you receive a PDF or document via Email:

If the document is saved in your Photos:

If you save the document to your Files on your iPhone:

How to add your signature to a PDF or document using an Android or PC computer

The best way to e-sign documents on your Android phone or PC is to use the Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is available to download for any computer (both PC and Mac), or use the Adobe Fill & Sign app from the Google Play store.

John Doe signature

Using your PC

Adobe signature

Using the Adobe Acrobat Fill & Sign app

The Adobe Fill & Sign app is available for iPhones and iPads along with Android devices. The Adobe Acrobat Reader app for computers does have a free version.

The Adobe Acrobat desktop app also allows you to type a signature and choose a style or use your webcam to take a photo of your handwritten signature.

Kurt’s key takeaways

In a world where everything has gone digital, including crucial documents, it’s time to bid farewell to fax machines and snail mail for signatures. Whether you’re on a Mac, iPhone, PC or Android device, adding your official signature has never been easier. Say goodbye to pens, printers and the hassle of postal services once and for all.

Do you feel comfortable e-signing a document? Let us know by commenting below.